Home > Information Center > Tariff Regulation Circular> Index of Important Tariff Circulars issued in the Year 2005

Index of Important Tariff Circulars issued in the Year 2005

Sr. No. Circular No. Date of Issue Subject of the Circular
1. 02/2005 04.01.2005 Revision of Tariff w.e.f. 1.10.2004- Amendment at Sr. No. 10 under note of CCNo. 57/2004 dated 9.12.2004 regarding Agricultural pumpsets for irrigation purpose.
2. 28/2005 04.05. 2005 Charging of MMC on AP metered consumers..
3. 42/ 2005 17.06.2005 Revision of Tariff w.e.f. 1.4.2005