Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) was a statutory body formed on 1-2-1959 under the Electricity Supply Act.1948. Subsequently with the re-organization of the erstwhile State of Punjab under the Punjab Re-organization Act 1966 this form came into existence w.e.f. 1st May, 1967.
Vide Notification No 1/9/08-EB(PR)196,dated-16.04.2010 Govt. of Punjab unbundled Punjab State Electricity Board into two companies
- Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. (POWERCOM)
- Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. (TRANSCO)
Organisational setup of Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. (PSPCL)
Milestone Achievement:
- All the power Stations operated at their best ever plant load factor since their installation.
- Net Power generated during 2008-09 is 37222 Million units, which is more than 2006-07 by 2238 Million Units resulting of 6.40% increase in two years.
- The 1980 MW (3×660) Talwandi Sabo Power Project awarded to M/s Sterlite Energy Ltd. Mumbai on 4.7.08 and PPA signed on 1.9.08.
- Power purchase agreement with M/S GVK for installing 2×270 MW thermal power station at Goindwal Sahib signed on 26th May, 2009.The foundation stone has been laid and the company has started the construction.
- Second stage of Lehra Mohabbat Thermal Power Station for 2×250 MW has been commissioned. Its Unit-III achieved CoD on 16.10.08 and Unit-IV synchronized on 2.8.08 on coal.
- 4.76 lakh new connections including 61849 No. tubewell connections were released during 2007-09.
- 24 Hrs. Urban pattern supply made available to 12428 villages and 6158 Deras/ Dhanies with 5 or more houses.
- To help SC & BPL consumers, free monthly consumption up to 200 units allowed for connected load of 1000 watts w.e.f. 12-10-06 instead of earlier 500 watts.
- Strict measures have been taken to reduce power theft. Disciplinary action taken against the erring employees and 5 numbers Anti Power Theft Police Stations have been set up.
- New technologies like electronic meters, remote control of transformers, remote meter reading and HVDS system for AP/ Industries introduced.
- 20.29 lakh meters out of 55.98 lakh General/ Industrial Consumers shifted out of their premises as on 31.3.09 to curb theft of energy.
- All these measures have helped in reducing losses by 4% from 23.92% (2006-07) to 19.91% (2008-09) / which resulted in substantial increase in revenue.
- During 2007-09, 62 numbers New Grid substations erected and capacity at 132 number Grid substations augmented besides addition of 1070 circuit Kms. Transmission line and 149 MVAR shunt capacitors to State Grid.