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As on 31-03-2022
Sr. No. Description Installed Capacity (Pb’s Share) Generation (in MUs) during the year 2021-22
as on 31.03.2022 (MW) Gross Generation (MUs) Auxilary Consumption+HP Share +Royality Net Generation (MUs)
a) OWN Projects        
  Thermal 1760 3742 369.342 3373
  Hydro 1015 3367 29.86 3337
  Total Own 2775 7109 399.20 6710
b) Share from BBMB 1133 3429 0 3429
c) Net of import (Including Share from central sector) & export 4373 30794



159.63 30634
d) Independent Power Producers (IPP) with in Punjab 3920 19137   19136.60
e) Co-generation (PEDA/Captive Plants & Jalkheri) + NRSE P.P. (Outside the State) 1665 2243 0 2243
  Grand Total (a+b+c+d) 13867 62713 558.83 62153.78
As on 31-03-2021
Sr. No. Description Installed Capacity (Pb’s Share) Generation (in MUs) during the year 2020-21
as on 31.03.2021 (MW) Gross Generation (MUs) Auxilary Consumption+HP Share +Royality Net Generation (MUs)
a) OWN Projects
Thermal 1760 1789 212.07 1577
Hydro 1015 4395 40.0915 4354.79
Total Own 2776 6184 0 5931.99
b) Share from BBMB 1133 4003 0 4003
c) Net of import (Including Share from central sector) & export 4331 30864.56


192.13 30672.43
d) Independent Power Producers (IPP) with in Punjab 3920 15199.78 15199.78
e) Co-generation (PEDA/Captive Plants & Jalkheri) + NRSE P.P. (Outside the State) 1688 2330 0 2330
Grand Total (a+b+c+d) 13845 58581.34 444.2115 58137.1285

* Data not Received

1. Installed Capacity & Generation


Sr. No. DESCRIPTION 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
  a). Share -from BBMB# 1133 1141 1141 1141
  b). HYDRO – PSPCL (Including Micro Hydel Projects) 1015 1015 1015 1015
  Total HYDRO (a+b) 2148 2156 2156 2156
2 THERMAL (PSPCL)* 1760 1760 1760 2300
3 IPP ** 3920 3920 3920 3380
4 Total (PSPCL) [1b+2+3] 6695 6695 6695 6695
5 Total including BBMB Share (4+1a) 7828 7836 7836 7836
6 Share from Central Sector 4373 4373 4128 4128
7 PEDA and other NRSE Projects (With in State) 1643 1739 2722 2783
8 NRSE Private Projects (Outside the State)        
9 Grand Total (5+ 6+7+8) 13845 13949 14685 14747
Sr. No. DESCRIPTION 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
B. MAXIMUM UNRESTRICTED DEMAND (MW) 12638 13606 13148 15336
Position Ending 31.3.2022
Sr. No. Name of Project Detail of Power machines with installed capacity (MWs) Share of Punjab (MWs) Gross Generation during the year 2018-19 Gross Generation during the year 2019-20 Gross Generation during the year 2020-21 Gross Generation during the year 2021-22
1. Shanan PHs 4X 15+1X50=110.00 110 472.39 564.99 503.06 521.91
2. UBDC 3X15+3X15.45 =91 91 375.62 471.88 394.08 314.12
3. Mukerian 6X15+6X19.5=207.00 207 1250.73 1199.35 1407.51 966.47
4. Anandpur Sahib 4X33.5=134.00 134 427.773 603.72 565.99 396.36
5. RSD 4X150=600.00 452.4 1454.49 2099.18 1518.93 1162.96
6. Nadampur Micro 2X0.4=0.80 0.8 5.94 5.61 5.28 5.49
7. Daudhar Micro 3X0.5=1.50 1.5
8. Rohti Micro 2X0.4=0.80 0.8
9. Thuhi Micro 2X0.4=0.80 0.8
10. GGSSTP ROPAR(micro) 2×0.85 1.7
Total   1000.00 3986.944 4944.75 4394.883 3367.31
b.) THERMAL PROJECTS No.& Capacity of units(MW) Total Capacity (MW) GROSS GENERATION during the year 2018-19 (Mus) GROSS GENERATION during the year 2019-20 (Mus) GROSS GENERATION during the year 2020-21 (Mus) GROSS GENERATION during the year 2021-22 (Mus)
1. GNDTP, BATHINDA 2×120+2×110 =460.00 0 GNDTP BATHINDA has been permanently shut down w.e.f.01.01.2018 as per notification of Punjab Government  &Unit no.I &II of stage-1 GGSSTP also closed permnently on 01.01.2018. GNDTP BATHINDA has been permanently shut down w.e.f.01.01.2018 as per notification of Punjab Government  &Unit no.I &II of stage-1 GGSSTP also

closed permnently on 01.01.2018.

GNDTP BATHINDA has been permanently shut down w.e.f.01.01.2018 as per notification of Punjab Government  &Unit no.I &II of stage-1 GGSSTP also closed permnently on 01.01.2018. GNDTP BATHINDA has been permanently shut down w.e.f.01.01.2018 as per notification of Punjab Government  &Unit no.I &II of stage-1 GGSSTP also closed permnently on 01.01.2018.
2. GGSSTP, ROPAR 4×210 =840 840 1729.50 1051.60 883.51 1734.68
3. GHTP, Lehra Mohabat 2×210+2×250=920 920 2485.07 915.95 905.75 2007.26
4. Auxilary Consumption   396.65 229.05 212.14 369.34
Net Thermal   1760 3817.92 1738.50 1577.11 3372.60
Hydel 1015.25 3978.02 4933.49 4354.79 3337.44
Total hydro +Thermal (a + b)   2775.25 7767.63 6641.99 5931.90 6710.04
II. Share From BBMB Pojects 1133 3574.61 4363.26 4002.67 3429.34
III. Import (Including Share from Central Sector Projects) 4373.25 23481.88 26174.4 46064.34 30793.33
IV. Independent Power Producers (IPP) 3920 20712 17717 15200 19136.60
V. Cogeneration (PEDA & Captive Power Plants & Jalkheri) 1665.27 2080.37 2089.65 2330.23 2243.40
Royality /open access+wheeling+Export -2348.70 -444.16 33.05 -159.16
G.Total (I+II+III+IV)   13866.77 55268.19 56542.11 58362.27 62153.54

2. Growth of Generation

Sr. No. Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
(a) Hydro 4567.553 4909.86 4254.35 4285.94 4426.11 4654.55 3913.46 4649.19 3988 4945 4395 3367
(b) Thermal 18326.142 19068.23 18013.29 16306.27 11691.99  8012.13  6211.28 5520.09 4215 1968 1789 3742
Total 22893.695 23978.09 22267.64 20592.21 16118.10 12666.68 10124.74 10169.28 8202 6912 6184 7109
2 Share from BBMB 4566.93 4896.44 3836.74 4382.31 3838.81 4294.72 3764.79 3809.02 3876 4363 4003 3429
3 Import (including share from Central sector) 18975.897 15501.46 19088.81 20785.71 21361.23  20776.21 21672.34 12760.26 44195 44045 46064 30794
4 Purchase from PEDA and other NRSE projects including to 10 MW Jalkheri 301.11 442.75 555.06 649.15 714.56 1082.19 1657.52 2171.79 2080 2090 2330 2243
5 Independent Power Producers (IPP) with in Punjab 6685.80 10375.28 15605.96 26509.66 15605.96 26509.66 15199.78 19137
6 Total Energy Available 46737.632 44821.74 45748.25 46409.38 48718.50 49195.08 52825.25 55420.01 58353 57411 58362 62713
7 Auxilliary Consumption 1597.387 1665.58 1560.03 1442.62 1078.25 781.27 620.35  537.11 548 270 252 559
8 Export 2721.989 1871.55 1613.18 1676.86 1605.35 199.56 466.33  1353.20 466.33  1353.20 70 0
9 Net Energy Available 42418.256 41284.61 42575.04 43289.9 46034.90 48413.81 52204.9 54882.90 57805 57140 58508 62154

3.  Growth of Installed Capacity

Sr. No. Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
(a) Own Hydro( including micro) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000  1000  1000  1018.35  1016 1016 1015 1015
(b) Own Thermal 2620 2620 2620 2630 2640  2640  2640  1760  1760 1760 1760 1760
1.) Total (a+b) 3620 3620 3620 3630 3640  3640  3640   2778.35   2778 2778  2775 2775
2.) Share from BBMB 1258 1163 1110 1161 1161  1161  1161  1133.20  1133 1133 1133 1133
3.) Share from Central Sector 1973 1933 2507 3071 3610  3671  4034  4234.42  4331 4385 4373 4373
4.) PEDA & other NRSE projects including 10MW Jalkheri RSTP 184 202 469 297 583  720  1205  1297.07  1313  1668 1643 1665
5.) Private Projects (IPP) 0 0 0 700 2060  2720  3920  3920  3920 3920 3920 3920
Total (1+2+3+4) 7035 6918 7706 8859 11054   11912  13961  13363.04 13473 13902 13845 13867

4. Performance of Thermal Plants

PERFORMANCE OF THERMAL PLANTS (Percentage load factor)

Load factor (%) during the year
Sr. No. Description 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1.) GNDTP, Bhatinda 70.66 70.66 48.72 #64.68 54.91 32.97 22.73 17.34 10
2.) GGSSTP, Ropar 91.11 91.11 86.41 83.05 72.53 52.11 35.77 25.15 22 24 14 12.01 23.57
3.) GHTP, Lehra Mohabat 96.44 96.44 94.31 89.53 82.70 55.93 38.79 33.95 37 31 11 11.24 24.91
# Fixed allocations from BBMB to PSPCL have been updated as informed by O/O of Director/Power Regulation BBMB CHD
*     GNDTP BATHINDA has been permanently shut down w.e.f.01.01.2018 as per notification of Punjab Government  & Unit no. I & II of stage-1 GGSSTP also closed permnently on 01.01.2018.
**    IPP Includes(Rajpura-1400MW, Talwandi Sabo-1980MW & GVK-540MW)
***      Includes 10MW RSTP JalKheri which is out of service since 2007 +PSPCL’s own Micro Hydel Projects (Daudhar1.5MW+0.8MW Oursoursed and Included in NRSE Projects in Punjab.

1. Energy Sale


Sr. No. Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 General 10295.85 11248.46 11997.26 13313.45 14313.81 15249.1 16735.8 17498.27 17839 17525 18488 18404
2 Industrial 11030.57 11497.39 12119.42 12348.05 13844.63 12997.34 13958.25 16032 16965 17603 16173 20285
3 Agricultural 10116.89 10248.63 10779.03 10223.57 10641.40 11513.88 12008.98 12253.78 11187 11538 13051 12533
4 Others 788.41 811.59 846.32 897.55 955.62 1007.59 1068.89 1142.89 2268 1240 1221 1219
5 Theft Detected & Under Assessed 561.75 472.131 447.52 162 -308 495 726
Total (1+2+3+4+5) 32231.72 33806.07 35742.03 36782.62 39755.46 41329.66  44244.051 47374.46  49976 47598 49428 53167

2. Growth of Connected Load (MW)

GROWTH OF CONNECTED LOAD (MW) (Position at the End of Year)

Sr. No Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 General 12039 12681 13269 13724 14273 14812 15405 15988 16525 17147 17768 18438
2 Industrial 7257 7592 7940 8230 8465 8645 8891 9258 9606 9964 10110 10623
3 Agricultural 7728 7925 8117 8389 8671 8871 9531 9685 9777 10348 10373 10418
4 Others 361 375 412 438 450 469 475 492 508 452 427 439
TOTAL 27385 28573 29738 30781 31859 32796 34303 35423 36416 37911 38678 39918

3. T & D Losses

Sr. No. Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 Energy Loss (MUs) 6063.938 7235.12 7306.70 7619.96 7237.43 7084.15 7960.849 7508.44 7791.34 8845 8709 8987
2 % age of T &D Losses 18.71 % 17.42 % 16.78 % 16.95% 15.19% 14.63% 15.25% 13.68% 14.11 15.67 14.98 14.46

4. Release of new Connections (NOS)


S. No. Category No. of New connections released during the year
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 General 409153 315404 321291 281494 283107 283533 359101 334649 346039 319369 309719 333709
2 Industrial 4960 5524 4289 3848 3974 3628 6203 7423 6298 6213 6097 6102
3 Agricultural 36087 15201 21981 31081 * 25492 97579 12656 13026 5936 1757 978
4 239 195 226 246 303 198 198 142 331 137 166 280 448
Total 450395 336355 347807 316726 287279 312851 463025 355059 365504 331686 317853 341237

* Due to NGT stay no tubewell connection released during the FY 2014-15

5. Growth of Connections

Growth of connections (Nos.) (Position Ending the Year)

Sr. No. Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 General 6056471 6316865 6566704 6759178 6974504 7203538 7487733 7751266 7955025 8178400 8375548 8622728
2 Industrial 117844 121207 123430 124027 125940 128027 131899 137073 139209 143570 146899 150886
3 Agriculture 1143267 1163274 1191407 1225066 1225340 1254081 1351692 1366160 1378960 1385549 1387681 1388837
4 Others 3049 3298 3535 4015 4192 4507 4629 5020 5054 5181 5368 5990
Total 7320631 7604644 7885076 8112286 8329976 8590146  8975953 9259519 9478248 9712700 9915496 10168441

6. Release of Connected Load (MWs)



Sr. No. Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 General 619 528 522 495 481 510 610 590 639 606 604 682
2 Industrial 317 282 289 252 214 155 244 320 320 345 276 332
3 Agricultural 186 85 131 209 * 173 655 85 69 34 11 6
4 Others 4 8 36 4 10 4 2 6 6 9 8 14
Total 1126 903 978 960 705  842  1511 1001 1036 994 899 1034

* Due to NGT stay no tubewell connection released during the FY 2014-15.

7. Growth of Transmission and Distribution System
A) Sub-Station 

1 Sub-Stations (Nos) (PSPCL + PSTCL) 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
a. 400 KV —- —- 1 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
b. 220 KV 63 70 78 87 91 93 94 96 100 101 101 103
c. 132 KV 79 82 82 79 75 73 69 69 66 65 65 64
d. 66 KV 564 596 614 647 693 719 742 771 781 790 805 814
e. 33 KV 69 47 40 29 12 7 5 5 5 2 2 2
Total (a to e) 775 795 815 844 875 896 915 946 957 963 978 988
f. 11 KV 472238 540977 611172 668205 754567 807203 939069 1002497 1066770 1111099 1148386 1173488
2 Substation Capacity (MVA) 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
a. 400KV 1000 1630 2890 2890 3890 4390 4390 4890 4890 5390
b. 220 KV 13566 15346 18076 20340 21862 22939.5 25188 26502 27622 28440 28865 29982
c. 132 KV 5643 5703 5898 6144 6537 6619.5 4489 4555 4415 4378 4413 4336
d. 66 KV 13169 14697 15474 16281.55 18484 19615 20301 22457 22682 19236 19647 20146
e. 33 KV 1189 1270 631 512.5 532 111 93 93 98 18 18 18
Total (a to d) 33567 37016 41078 44908.05 50305 52175 53960 57997 59207 56962 57833 59872
f. 11 KV 20199 21429 22836 24301.51 26522.78 27981 30561 32800 34930 36515 37744 38995
3 HT Shunt Capacitors (MVA) 6002 6062 6123 6870.926 7175 7558 7794 7943 8109 2966 2915 2969

B) Transmission & Distribution Lines (CKT. Kms.) ending the Year

S. No. Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 400KV 859 1517.34 1584 1584 1584 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
2 220 KV 4934 5279 5930 6371.99 6716 6951 7303 6782 7142 7142 7865 7880
3 132 KV 3105 3132 3197 3196.78 3136 3136 3136 3136 3136 3136 3136 3098
4 66 KV 7064 7545 7596 8178.67 8788.84 9489 10005 9711 10098 8894 9280 10063
5 33 KV 1321 1329 504 381.78 381.78 142 120 87 87 48 48 48
Total (1 to 4) 16424 17285 18087 19646.56 20607.67  21302  22148 22313 22062 20820 21929 22689
6 11 KV 177419 190103 203415 209759.04 214860 219051 232290 237782 242012 244180 248423 252006
7 L.T. Lines 164093 158251 153933 152497.09 149698 152446 152177 152012 147083 148942 151373 152359

1. Financial Statements

2. Annual Plan Allocation & Expenditure
                                                                                  Annual Plan Allocations & Expenditure Rs. in Cr

Sr. No. Description 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Allocation Expenditure Allocation Expenditure Allocation Expenditure Allocation Expenditure
1 Generation 69 188 187 413 101 504
2 Transmission
3 Distribution 1241 1371 1116 1573 866 1479
4 Misc.
TOTAL 1311 1579 1303 1986 967 1983

1. Reliabilty Indices
2. Monitoring of Reforms Indices

Sr. No. Description
1. Monitoring of Reforms Indices Archive (for old circulars)
2. Monitoring of Reform Indices by Reform Monitoring Units for the quarter 01-07-2023 to 30-09-2023
3. Monitoring of Reforms Indices by “Reforms Monitoring Units” for the period (01-01-2019 to 31-03-2019)
4.   Monitoring of Reforms Indices by “Reforms Monitoring Units” for the period (01-10-2018 to 31-12-2018)

3. Miscellaneous Parameters

Sr. No. Description 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 Per capita consumption (KWH) 1193 1225 1291 1313 1383 1397  1466 1500 1529 1516 1554 1651
2 Maximum Demand (MW) 9399 10471 11520 10141 11534 10852 11408 11705 12638 13606 13148 15336
3 Total Manpower deployment (No.) 55547 55548 49082 46323 43123 40370 39036 35446 35887 35274 33855 32302
4 No. of consumers  served per employee 131.79 136.90 160.65 175.12 193.167 212.785 229.94 275 293 315
5 Units sold per consumer 4472 4510 4596 4604 4847 4811 4929 4959 5002 4901 4985 5229
6 Per Unit Cost up to Consumers’ Premises (Paise) 469 473 536 574 585.75 622.49 633 612 642 683 607 614
7 Revenue per unit sold (Paise) 279.26 293.3 341.27 408.89 401 427.84 411.16 606.65 615.93 661.21 637.93 635.22
8 L.T/H.T Line Ratio 0.92 0.83 0.76 0.73 0.7 0.7 0.66 0.64 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.60

* Data not Received

4. Revenue from Sale of Power (In Crores)

Sr. No. Category 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 General 3862.63 4460.959 5250.58 6560.78 6983.28 7745.07 8171.61 9174.08 10490 11903 10038.4 9827.43
2 Industrial 4682.721 5147.368 6452.56 8010.60 8471.58 8327.97 8677.34 9931.34 11791 10201.5 10605.14
3 Agricultural 520.61 1.63 3.08 -0.79 0.03 0.02 3985.55 5401.57 5753 0.11 0.41 0.2
4 Others 598.794 587.987 618.01 773.72 726.81 1068.64 917.71 1233.14 2748 11693.5 10862.6 12235.72
   Total 9664.751 10197.941 12324.23 15344.31 16181.7 17141.70 21752.21 25604.93 30782 31933.6 31768.24 33998.46

  1. South Zone
  2. West Zone
  3. Central Zone
  4. North Zone
  5. Border Zone