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Main Works being handled by CE/TS Organization:-

  1. Construction of new 66KV S/Stns. and 66KV Transmission Lines.
  2. Procurement of complete equipment for the 66KV S/Stns. and Transmission lines.
  3. The replacement of damaged/defective Power T/Fs in the 66KV S/Stns. of the PSPCL.
  4. Restoration of power supply in case of major transmission line failure due to natural calamity or under other extra ordinary circumstances.
  5. Capital maintenance of the running power T/Fs with deteriorated parameters.
  6. Repair of the damaged Power T/Fs including cannibalization at the crane bays.
  7. Surveying off of the damaged or unserviceable power T/Fs and their disposal through S&D Organization.
  8. Up gradation of specifications of the electrical equipment and the transmission line equipment viz-a-viz latest technology.
  9. Introduction of new technology like Gas Insulated S/Stn., Unmanned S/Stns., HTLS Conductor, Monopoles, Grid Automation etc.
  10. Retrofitting of existing S/Stn. equipment for Grid Automation enablement.
  11. Procurement of requisite spares for trouble free 24×7 power supply from the Substations.

Responsibility of the Office of Dy. CE S/S (Design) under TS Organization:-

  1. Procurement of complete 66KV S/Stn. equipment.
  2. Up gradation of specifications for the S/Stn. equipment to keep pace with the latest technological advancements.
  3. Preparation of general layout plan for the Switchyard, Control Room for the 66KV S/Stns.
  4. Preparation and approval of earth mat design for the 66KV S/Stns. including chemical earthing.
  5. Implementation of new technological concepts like Gas insulated S/Stn, unmanned sub-Stations, Smart Grid for optimization of Sub-transmission system of PSPCL.
  6. Implementation of retrofitting concepts for achieving Grid automation including SCADA System.
  7. Appraisal of requirement of requisite spares for 66KV S/Stns. for 24×7 operation of the sub transmission system and their procurement.

Responsibility of the Office of Dy. CE/TL Design under TS Organization:-

  1. Procurement of equipment for the construction of 66KV Transmission lines.
  2. Approval and notification of Route Plans of the new 66KV transmission lines.
  3. Up gradation of specifications for the 66KV Transmission line equipment so as to keep pace with technology.
  4. Introduction of innovative technological concepts in the construction of 66KV transmission lines like Monopoles, HTLS Conductor, 66KV Underground Cable etc.
  5. The management of inventory of S&T Stores for aggressive construction work and minimization of cost.
  6. Design of tower structures, foundations viz-a-viz space congestion& ROW issues and soil Condition.

Responsibility of the Office of SE/Civil Works under TS Organization:-

  1. Construction of civil works of new 66KV S/Stns. including switchyard, control room, boundary fencing, roads etc.
  2. Land Acquisition for 66 KV S/Stns.
  3. Civil Construction works for Additional Power T/Fs, Up gradation of the existing S/Stns. and augmentation of capacity.
  4. Implementation of latest Civil Construction techniques like Gas Insulated S/Stns, Unmanned Sub-Stations, smart grid works etc.
  5. Implementation of latest Civil construction techniques like Rain water Harvesting, Road Construction, Sewerage Treatment etc.

Responsibility of the Office of Dy. CE/Grid Construction under TS Organization:-

  1. Electrical Construction Work of 66KV S/Stns. and Line Bays.
  2. Augmentation and up gradation of existing S/Stns. for enhancing voltage level and transformation capacity.
  3. Enhancement of system voltage profile by way of adding Capacitor Bank and installation of the appropriate switchgear with Power T/Fs.
  4. Implementation of new technological concepts like Unmanned S/Stns., Construction of Gas Insulated S/Stns, smart grids etc.
  5. Prompt replacement of damaged or defective Power T/Fs in the running S/Stns.
  6. Capital maintenance of the running power transformers with deteriorated parameters.
  7. Repair and cannibalization of the damaged power T/Fs at the crane bays.
  8. Surveying off the damaged and unserviceable power T/Fs and their disposal through S&D Organization.
  9. Retrofitting and replacement of the existing equipment in the running S/Stns. for Grid automation.
  10. Augmentation of T/Fs and other allied switchgear at generating S/Stns. of the PSPCL.

Responsibility of the Office of Dy. CE/ TL Jalandhar under TS Organization:-

  1. Construction of new 66KV Transmission Lines in the jurisdiction of Border Zone, North Zone and part of Central Zone of PSPCL.
  2. Survey, preparation of route plan including detailed route survey, check survey etc for new 66 KV Transmission lines.
  3. Up gradation of existing transmission lines for capacity enhancement.
  4. Implementation of new concepts in sub-transmission system like laying under Ground Cables, HTLS Conductor and Monopoles etc.
  5. Prompt restoration of 66KV Power supply in case of major line failures due to natural calamities or other unexpected circumstances.
  6. ROW issues, the Crop Compensation, Implementation of Statutory Provisions and Legal clearances for the construction work of 66 KV Transmission lines.

Responsibility of the Office of Dy. CE/ TL Patiala under TS Organization:-

  1. Construction of new 66KV Transmission Line in the jurisdiction of West Zone, South Zone and part of Central Zone of PSPCL.
  2. Survey, preparation of route plan including detailed route survey, check survey etc for new 66 KV Transmission lines.
  3. Up gradation of existing transmission lines for capacity enhancement.
  4. Implementation of new concepts in sub-transmission system like laying under Ground Cables, HTLS Conductor and Monopoles etc.
  5. Prompt restoration of 66KV Power supply in case of major line failures due to natural calamities or other unexpected circumstances.
  6. ROW issues, the Crop Compensation, Implementation of Statutory Provisions and Legal clearances for the construction work of 66 KV Transmission lines.


Chief Engineer / TS,
PSPCL, Patiala.

TS Chart

Progress of 66 & 33 KV Sub Station works & Lines (Year wise)

Sr. No. Year Voltage Nos.   Addition Aug. Up-Gradation Grand Total Planned Lines Deposit Work Lines Total
MVA Nos. MVA Nos. MVA Nos. MVA Nos. MVA Nos. CKT Nos. CKT Nos CKT
Data onwards 02/17
1 2016-17 (upto 28.02.17) 66 KV 18 274.5 1 12.5 34 261.5 2 10.5 55 559 486.055 130.081 616.136
33 KV 0 0 0
Total 18 274.5 1 12.5 34 261.5 2 10.5 55 559 486.055 130.081 616.136
2 2016-17 (upto 31.03.17) 66 KV 21 307.5 2 25 45 343 2 10.5 70 686 515.578 143.081 658.659
33 KV 0 0 0
Total 21 307.5 2 25 45 343 2 10.5 70 686 515.578 143.081 658.659
3 2017-18 (upto 66 KV 0 0 1 12.5 2 15 0 0 3 27.5 16.764 2.15 18.914
30.04.2017) 33 KV 0 0 0
Total 0 0 1 12.5 2 15 0 0 3 27.5 16.764 2.15 18.914
4 2017-18 (upto 66 KV 1 12.5 1 12.5 2 15 0 0 4 40 62.485 10.298 72.783
31.05.2017) 33 KV 0 0 0
Total 1 12.5 1 12.5 2 15 0 0 4 40 62.485 10.298 72.783
5 2017-18 (upto 66 KV 1 12.5 1 12.5 7 68 0 0 10 98 73.965 23.608 97.573
30.06.2017) 33 KV 1 5 0 0 0
Total 1 12.5 2 17.5 7 68 0 0 10 98 73.965 23.608 97.573
6 2017-18 (upto 66 KV 1 12.5 3 52.5 11 102.5 0 0 15 167.5 82.758 23.74 106.498
31.07.2017) 33 KV 1 5 1 5 0 0 0
Total 1 12.5 4 57.5 11 102.5 0 0 16 172.5 82.758 23.74 106.498

Progress of 66 & 33 KV Sub-Station works & Lines (year wise) upto 31.07.2017

Sr No.   Damaged Power T/F Repaired Damaged Power T/F Capital Maintenance of Power T/F 11 KV Capacitor Bank Added
Year Nos. By PSPCL (Nos.) By Firm Total Nos. Nos. Nos. Rating MVAR
1 2016-17 (upto 28.02.17) 9 2 0 2 9 165 1.361 224.565
2 2016-17 (upto 31.03.17) 10 2 0 2 10 177 1.361 240.897
3 2017-18 (upto 30.04.2017) 1 0 0 0 0 19 1.361 25.859
4 2017-18 (upto 31.05.2017) 2 0 0 0 1 35 1.361 47.635
5 2017-18 (upto 30.06.2017) 3 0 0 0 1 48 1.361 65.328
6 2017-18 (upto 31.07.2017) 3 0 0 0 2 60 1.361 81.66