Home > Supply of Power to 11KV Rural Feeders in Kandi Area

PR Circular No. 13/1998
Dated: 13.8.98

Memo No. 4668/4820/SO/PRC/LD/PC-260 Dated: 13.8.98

SUBJECT: Supply of Power to 11KV Rural Feeders in Kandi Area.

In continuation to PR Circular No. 10/98 dated 22.7.98.

It is reiterated that instructions have earlier been issued that those 11KV Rural Feeders in Kandi Area, which are not eligible for supplying power on the pattern of Urban/Industrial feeders but are supplying power for Rural Water Supply Schemes may be given supply starting from 06.00 Hrs. daily for the period of time (viz. 10 hrs. or 8 hrs. etc.) declared by Power Controller, Patiala on day-to-day basis to ensure morning water supply to villages.

You are requested to ensure compliance of these instructions. A list of such feeders along with load, the name of feeding Sub-station and the name of village water supply, scheme may, however, be supplied to P.R. & C Directorate, at the earliest.

for Chief Engineer/SO&C,
PSEB, Patiala.