Circulars from 21/2009 to 46/2009
CC No.20/2009
Memo No.36246/37045
Sub: Continuation of tariff as revised by the Commission vide its order 3.7.08 after 31.3.09 till the time ARR/Tariff for 2009-10 is determined by the Commission.
In continuation to Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission(PSERC) order dated 30.3.2009 with reference to Petition No. 8 of 2008 relating to subject cited above, PSERC has allowed PSEB to charge existing tariff (circulated vide CC 53/2008 dated 7.7.08) from all categories of consumers with effect from 1.4.2009 till the date of issue of tariff order for the year 2009-10 subject to the condition that GOP continues to pay subsidy for free supply to Agricultural Pump set consumers and 200 units per month free electricity supply to Scheduled Caste Domestic Supply Consumers and non scheduled caste Below Poverty Line Domestic Supply consumers with connected load upto 100 watts.
For Chief Engineer/Comml.
PSEB, Patiala
CC No.19/2009
Memo No.35181/35980
Sub: Charging of Industrial tariff instead of NRS tariff from Oil Terminals & LPG Bottling Plants of Oil Companies.
As per the schedule of Tariff for Non Residential Supply approved by PSERC and circulated vide CC No. 36/06 (Clause-SV 1.1) dated 14.7.2006, oil depots of oil companies are covered under NRS category. As per information received from Field Offices most of the connections of Oil Companies had been released under Industrial Tariff. On the basis of checking by the Enforcement Organisation, IOC Sangrur and BP, Lalru were to be covered under NRS tariff which was resented by them and requested that they should be covered under Industrial Tariff as they are registered as a factory under the Factory Act. The matter was considered by the Board and it was decided that oil terminals & Bottling plants may be covered under LS tariff and other oil depots may be covered under NRS tariff with the approval of PSERC being tariff related issue.
The matter was referred to PSERC and it was conveyed by the Commission vide letter dated 183.2009 that the Board should give clear cut instructions to the Field Offices for application of tariff depending upon the nature of the work being carried out at such places.
In view of the above decision of PSERC, it has been decided that Oil terminals & Bottling Plants may be covered under LS tariff and other depots under NRS tariff.
These instructions shall be applicable from the date of issue of this circular.
This issues with the approval of competent Authority.
For Chief Engineer/Comml.
PSEB, Patiala
In Punjabi
CC No.18/2009
Memo No.34114/34914
Sub: Voluntary Disclosure Scheme for the regularization of un-authorized extension in load of Agricultural Tubewell Consumers.
Due to depleting water table in Punjab, large number of AP Tubewell consumers are installing higher capacity motors thus putting excess load on the system hat leads to higher losses and over loading/ breakdowns during the paddy season. To improve the system efficiency and bring the hidden load on record. It would be in the interest of the Board to regularize such unauthorized loads of AP consumers by introducing VDS. The matter has been considered and it has been decided to introduce Voluntary Disclosure Scheme for the regularization of unauthorized extension in load of the AP tubewell connections with following terms & conditions:-
i) The charges for regularization of the excess/ unauthorized load so declared under VDS shall be Rs.3600/- per BHP as Service Connection Charges and Rs.200/- per BHP as initial security without levy of any load surcharge.
ii) The scheme shall come into force with immediate effect and will be applicable upto 31.7.2009.
iii) AP consumers already running on HVDS with individual transformer of 6.3/10/16 KVA should give prior intimation for their load extension by depositing charges of Rs.3600/- per BHP plus Rs.200/- per BHP as initial security so that measures may be taken to augment the transformer to match the extended load. Similarly, AP consumers who have got their connections released under OYT or OYT pattern will deposit the difference of cost of transformer in addition to Rs.200/- per BHP as initial security.
iv) Augmentation of the line and distribution transformer, wherever required after due consideration, verification by Addl.SE/Sr,Xen/ DS concerned shall be done by PSEB at its cost. For the purpose of regularization of the load of AP consumers running on LT, the loading of the transformers shall be taken as 100% , the action to augment the transformer capacity shall be taken with the approval of Dy.CE/SE/DS at Board’s cost.
v) The regularization of unauthorized load of AP tubewell connection running on LT system shall be done immediately as deemed regularization on detection of unauthorized load or self-declaration by the consumer regarding unauthorized load. It is emphasized that the farmers who visit the sub divisional offices for regularization of the additional load should be attended properly and promptly. His application regarding declaration of the additional load be accepted and necessary entries of the additional load be made in his passbook and ledger and the BA-16 Receipt issued for the charges recovered. The consumer shall install the shunt capacitors of requisite capacity as per the total load and the test report shall be arranged by SDO/Incharge through JE/Incharge who will indicate total load of the motor & KVAR capacity of the Shunt Capacitor installed. The requirement of new forms has been dispensed with. The extra load shall be regularized after deposit of requisite charges for extended load only and getting suitable entry made in the passbook.
vi) The regularization of unauthorized load of AP consumers running on LT shall not be withheld due to over loading of distribution transformers.
Field officers are requested to give wide publicity to the scheme & organize mass consumer contact camp in rural areas to regularize the higher capacity motors on the spot during the VDS period.
For Chief Engineer/Comml.
PSEB, Patiala
CC No.17/2009
Memo No.33181/33981/SSM-451-A
As per instructions issued vide CC No. 60/08 dated 6.10.08, the OTS package was extended upto 31.3.09.
However,keeping in view of the encouraging response of the consumers, the matter has been considered and it has been decided to extend the validity of OTS package upto 31.12.2009 for revival of sick industry and other categories of consumers. With this extension, the consumers whose connections stand disconnected temporarily/ permanently upto 31.12.2007 can opt for reconnection upto validity of scheme i.e. 31.12.2009.
All other terms and conditions of CC No. 60/08 dated 6.10.2008 shall remain unchanged.
For Chief Engineer/Comml.
PSEB, Patiala
CC No.16/2009
Memo No.
Sub: Notification issued under sub-section (2) of Section 14 & section 15 of the “The Punjab Industrial Facilitation Act-2005.”
Notification No. US/CO/PSEB-2008/1092 & US/CO/ PSEB-2008/1096 dated 19.08.08(Copy enclosed) was issued by Govt. of Punjab, Deptt. Of Industry and Commerce under the Punjab Industry Facilitation Act-2005. As per Sr.No.10. of the notification, schedule for issue of demand notice and release of power connection by PSEB has been prescribed. The time schedules, prescribed in the notification are in line with the Supply Code which is already in-force w.e.f 01.01.2008. The copies of this notifications were forwarded/ circulated to all EIC/CE/DS vide Chief Engineer/Commercial, PSEB letter No. 68702/09 dated 18.09.08.
It was further desired by the Director/Industry and Commerce, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh vide his memo dated 25.03.2009 that notification may be displayed/exhibited on the notice boards of the PsEB offices for information of the public to ensure the benefit to all concerned.
Now Principal Secretary to Govt. of Punjab, Deptt of Industry and Commerce vide his office memo No. US/CO(PSEB)/09/1422 dated 29.04.2009 has intimated that it is mandatory for PSEB to release the power connection within the notified time schedule, but PSEB is not following the said time schedule, which causes delay in release of power connection to the industry.
It is desired that the time schedule as prescribed in the Supply Code/notification for release of electric connection may be strictly adhered to and in case of any difficulty, prior intimation may be sent for obtaining approval of the PSERC, as per provisions in the Supply Code.
Meticulous compliance of the above instructions may be ensured.
DA/As above.
For Chief Engineer/Comml.
PSEB, Patiala
No US/CO/PSEB-2008/1092 Dated:19.8.08
In accordance with the powers vested under Section 15 of the “The Punjab Industrial Facilitation Act, 2005”, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to notify the clearances / approvals in respect of which failure by the competent authority to grant clearance or pass final order within the period specified under Sub-section 2 of the Section 14 of the Act and as mentioned herein under shall be treated as a deemed approval.
Sr. No.
Approval/clearances required |
Competent Authority |
Time Limit |
1. |
i) Change of Land Use
a) Focal Points carved out by PSIEC/Infotech
(b) Focal Points carved and developed by PUDA
(c) Other areas
ii) Grant of Licence under PAPR Act, 1995 |
Department of Housing & Urban Development, Punjab
Department of Housing & Urban Development, Punjab |
40 days
30 days |
2. |
i)Consent to Establish (NOC)
ii)Clearance Certificate
and consent
to operate |
State Pollution Control Board
State Pollution Control Board |
Green Category-15 days
Red Category
Large & Medium-21
Small Scale- 15 days
SAC-cum-CSA-21 days
Green Category-15 days
Red Category
Large & Medium-30 days |
3. |
Site clearance for hazardous industries |
Director of Factories. |
30 days |
4. |
Approval for construction activity and building plan. |
Chief Town Planner
Municipal Corporation / Council
Director of Factories, Pb.
30 days
30 days
30 days
30 days |
5. |
Licence for starting Factory. |
Director of Factories. |
15 days |
6. |
Approach/Entry/Exit for factory, where no forest land is involved. |
Chief Conservator of Punjab. |
15 days |
7. |
Permission/license for DG sets/Back up power/ Cogeneration |
Chief Electrical Inspector |
30 days |
In case deemed approval is accorded by the Nodal Officer, the Department of Industries & Commerce will issue a certificate of deemed approval to the applicant under intimation to the concerned department in the format annexed herewith.
S.S. Channy
Place: Chandigarh
Principal Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Date: 13.8.2008 Department of Industries & Commerce
Endst. No. US/CO/PSEB-2008/1093
Dated: 19.8.08
Two copies are forwarded to the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Punjab, Chandigarh for publication of this notification in the Extra Ordinary Gazette of the State Government and supply 100 spare copies thereof to this department for record.
Addl. Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Department of Industries & Commerce.
Endst. No. US/CO/PSEB-2008/1094 Dated: 19.8.08
A copy is forwarded to the Director of Industries & Commerce, Punjab, Chandigarh for information and necessary action. Copies of the notification may also be sent to all concerned.
Addl. Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Department of Industries & Commerce.
Endst. No. US/CO/PSEB-2008/1095 Dated: 19.8.08
A copy is forwarded to the Accountant General, Punjab (Audit Section) for information and necessary action.
Addl. Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Department of Industries & Commerce.
Endst. No. Dated:
Copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: –
1. Principal Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Punjab
2. Principal Secretary, Department of Finance, Punjab
3. Principal Secretary, Department of Labour, Punjab
4. Principal Secretary, Department of Local Government, Punjab
5. Financial Commissioner, Department of Forest & Wild Life, Punjab
6. Secretary, Department of PWD(B&R), Punjab
7. Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Punjab
8. Secretary, Department of Power, Punjab
9. Secretary, Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Punjab
10. Chairman, Punjab State Electricity Board, The Mall, Patiala
11. Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board, Nabha Road, Patiala
12.MD, Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation Ltd. Udyog Bhawan, Chandigarh.
13. MD, Punjab Infotech, Udyog Bhawan, Chandigarh
Chief Coordinator,
Department of Industries & Commerce, Punjab
M/s __________________
Memo No.
This has reference to your application dated _____________ for grant of ______________________________ (name of clearance) received in the office of _______ (name of competent authority).
The final order in respect of above application has not been received from the competent authority within the stipulated time period notified under Punjab Industries Facilitation Act, 2005, vide No. ______ Dated ___________. Accordingly in terms of section 15 of Punjab Industrial Facilitation Act 2005, the clearance referred to above is deemed to have been issued with effect from _________. You may go ahead with implementation of the project / operation of the unit so far as aforesaid clearance is concerned. You will have to abide by all the terms and conditions as contained in the act/ rules governing the aforesaid clearance,
Name of the Nodal Agency
No. US/CO/PSEB-2008/1096 Dated: 19.8.08
In accordance with the powers vested under Sub-Section (2) of Section of 14 of the “The Punjab Industrial Facilitation Act, 2005”, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to notify the time schedule for disposal of applications by the competent authority as mentioned below: –
Sr. No.
Approval/clearances required |
Competent Authority |
Time Limit |
1. |
Incorporation of Societies/ Firms |
Registrar of Firms |
10 days |
2. |
Industrial Entrepreneur
Memoranda |
General Manager, District Industries Centre |
5 days |
3. |
i) Change of Land Use
a) Focal Points carved out by PSIEC/Infotech
(b) Focal Points carved and developed by PUDA
(c) Other areasii) Grant of Licence under PAPR Act, 1995 |
Department of Housing & Urban Development, Punjab
Department of Housing & Urban Development, Punjab |
40 days
30 days |
4. |
i)Consent to Establish (NOC)
ii)Clearance Certificate
and consent
to operate |
State Pollution Control Board
State Pollution Control Board |
Green Category-15 days
Red Category
Large & Medium-21 days
Small Scale- 15 days
SAC-cum-CSA-21 daysGreen Category-15 days
Red Category
Large & Medium-30 days |
5. |
Site clearance for hazardous industries |
Director of Factories. |
30 days |
6. |
Approval for construction activity and building plan. |
Chief Town Planner
Municipal Corporation / Council
Director of Factories, Pb.
30 days
30 days
30 days
30 days |
7. |
Sanction for water supply and sewerage connection. |
MC |
10 days
10 days |
8. |
Licence for starting Factory. |
Director of Factories. |
15 days |
9. |
Approach/Entry/Exit for factory involving Forest land. |
Chief Conservator of Punjab. |
(i) 15 days (where no forest land is involved)
(ii) 45 days (This will be the processing and referring time of applications to the Govt. of India for approval/ clearances) |
10. |
Sanction of Power. |
Punjab State Electricity Board. |
(a) Issue of Demand Notice:
(i) L.T. Supply (upto 650 V )-7 days w.e.f. date of registration of application.(ii) HT/EHT Supply (above 650 V)-10 days
w.e.f. from the date of receipt of application
(b) Release of Power Connection:
(i) Without augmentation/ erection / extension of system- 30 days
(ii) Where only augmentation is involved |
11. |
Permission/license for DG sets/Back up power/ Cogeneration |
b) Chief Electrical Inspector |
30 days
30 days |
12. |
i) Registration under VAT(Value Added Tax)
ii) Licence for possession & use of spirit |
Department of Excise & Taxation
Department of Excise & Taxation |
30 days
30 days |
13. |
Drug manufacturing License |
Director of Health |
30 days |
14. |
Permission to draw water from river/canal. |
Department of Irrigation |
30 days (except where interstate canals are involved) |
S.S. Channy
Place: Chandigarh
Principal Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Date: 13.8.2008
Department of Industries & Commerce 4
Endst. No. No. US/CO/PSEB-2008/1097
Dated: 19.8.08
Two copies are forwarded to the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Punjab, Chandigarh for publication of this notification in the Extra Ordinary Gazette of the State Government and supply 100 spare copies thereof to this department for record.
Addl. Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Department of Industries & Commerce.
Endst. No. US/CO/PSEB-2008/1098
Dated: 19.8.08
A copy is forwarded to the Director of Industries & Commerce, Punjab, Chandigarh for information and necessary action. Copies of the notification may also be sent to all concerned.
Addl. Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Department of Industries & Commerce.
Endst. No. US/CO/PSEB-2008/1099
Dated: 19.8.08
A copy is forwarded to the Accountant General, Punjab (Audit Section) for information and necessary action.
Addl. Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Department of Industries & Commerce.
Endst. No.
Copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:
1. Principal Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Punjab
2. Financial Commissioner, Department of Excise & Taxation, Punjab.
3. Principal Secretary, Department of Finance, Punjab
4. Principal Secretary, Department of Labour, Punjab
5. Principal Secretary, Department of Local Government, Punjab
6. Financial Commissioner, Department of Forest & Wild Life, Punjab
7. Secretary, Department of PWD(B&R), Punjab
8. Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Punjab
9. Secretary, Department of Power, Punjab
10. Secretary, Department of Irrigation, Punjab
11. Secretary, Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Punjab
12. Secretary, Department of Public Health, Punjab
13. Chairman, Punjab State Electricity Board, The Mall, Patiala
14. Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board, Nabha Road, Patiala
15. MD, Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation Ltd. Udyog Bhawan, Chandigarh.
16. MD, Punjab Infotech, Udyog Bhawan, Chandigarh
Chief Coordinator,
Department of Industries & Commerce, Punjab
CC No.15/2009
Memo No.31105/31905/DD/SR
Sub:PSERC(Electricity Supply Code & Related Matters) Regulations,2007 – Service Connection Charges.
In accordance with PSERC letter No. 3981/PSERC/DTJ-50 dated 05.12.2008, instructions for levy of revised Service Connection Charges for various types of consumers were issued vide CC No. 69/08 dated 17.12.2008.
PSERC vide its above mentioned letter has approved Rs.3600/- per KW as service connection charges under AP Category. Various field offices has been seeking clarification from this office, whether the rates approved of Rs.3,600/- for AP category are per KW or per BHP.
Now, PSERC vide its letter No. 6162/PSERC/DTJ-50 dated 24.03.2009 (Copy enclosed) has clarified/confirmed that the revised charges as recoverable from applicants under AP category are Rs.3,600/- per BHP. It is requested that charges for AP Category may be recovered accordingly.
All other terms and conditions of CC No. 68/08 dated 17.12.2008 remain unchanged.
Encl:As above.
For Chief Engineer/Comml.
PSEB, Patiala
Sco 220-221, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160 022
Phone 0172-2645164-66 Fax 0172-2664758
The Chief Engineer/Commercial
Punjab State Electricity Board
The Mall,
No. 6162/PSERC/DTJ-50 dated 24.03.09
Sub: PSERC (Electricity Supply Code & Related Matters)Regulations,2007 – Service Connection Charges.
This is with reference to your office memo No. 262 dated 9th March, 2009, on the subject cited.
2.It is confirmed that the revised charges specified at Sr. No.6 of Ann-‘A’ appended to this office memo No. 3981 dated 5th December, 2008 recoverable from applicants under AP category are Rs.3,600/- per BHP.
CC No. 14/2009
Memo No. 31067/867
Sub:- Extension in Seasonal Period of Rice Shellers upto 30.6.09.
As per the reference received from the Director Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Punjab Chandigarh vide his office memo No. RP-1(456)-9/970 dt. 25 th May 2009 regarding the extension in seasonal period to Rice Shellers, the matter has been considered and it has been decided to extend the seasonal period and to allow willing Rice Sheller Consumers to run their Shellers upto 30.6.2009 instead of 31.5.2009. This extension of seasonal period shall be on the condition that the consumption of electricity during the month of June 2009 shall be billed at off seasonal rates as applicable. The monthly minimum charges as applicable for Rice Shellers during seasonal period shall continue to be levied during the month of June 2009 as well. An undertaking from the consumers who wish to run or who have run their shellers during June 2009 shall also be had for billing the consumption for the month of June 2009 accordingly. No peak load exemption will be allowed for this period.
The extension of seasonal period as per conditions stated above shall be applicable only to those Rice Shellers which had been working continuously upto 31 st May, 2009 and desire to extend running of their shellers or have run their shellers during the month of June 2009. In case where Rice Shellers consumers had closed their operations after running 4½ months minimum period or more shall also have to pay monthly minimum charges for intervening disconnected period in case they have to run their Rice Sheller during June ,2009. It is further clarified that no MMC is chargeable to allow above referred extension upto 30.6.2009, for the period from the start of the season and upto the date of RCO of individual millers to restart their season provided they have already paid MMC for minimum requirement of 4½ months upto 31.5.2009.
It is further informed that the billing to those Rice Shellers who have run their sheller for full year shall be charged as per CC 36/2005.
All Rice Sheller Consumers may also be apprised of the above instructions by the XENs/AEEs/AEs. (Op.) in their areas, immediately.
PSEB Patiala
CC No-13/2009
Memo No. 18062/18862/SSM-460
Sub: HVDS IN URBAN AREAS- Relaxations restored vide CC No. 10/2006 dated 13.3.09.
Relaxations in the implementation of HVDS allowed vide CC No. 67/06 dated 21.12.2006 were withdrawn vide CC No. 2/2009 dated 12.1.09 & were restored vide CC No. 10/2009 dated 13.3.09 but the length of L.T.line from H-pole was restricted to 150 mtrs. instead of 250 mtrs.
In order to have a check that the relaxations allowed are not misused by the field offices, the matter has been reviewed and it has been decided that where it is not possible to release the connection on HVDS due to locational/practical constraints, before allowing such connection on LT (as per CC No. 10/09 dated 13.3.09), the reasons shall be recorded by Addl. SE/Sr.Xen/DS and got approved from EIC/CE/DS concerned for allowing such relaxations in the form of speaking orders.
All other terms and conditions of CC No.67/2006 dated 21.12.2006 and CC No.10/2009 dated 13.03.2009 shall remain unchanged.
The field officers are requested to ensure strict compliance of above instructions.
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala
CC No-12/2009
Memo No. 16357/17157/SSM-315/Loose
Dated. 20.5.2009
Sub: Payment/Recovery of interest on disputed amount for the financial year 2009-10.
Continuation of CC 30/08 dated 7.4.2008.
It has been decided that the interest rate of 11% per annum for payment/recovery of interest on the disputed amount shall remain operative during the financial year 2009-10.
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala
CC No-11/2009
Memo No.15310/16210/SSM-414/OYT
Dated. 19.5.2009
Sub: Release of tubewell connection on priority under OYT.
Instructions were issued vide CC No. 62/2008 dated 16.10.2006 that the OYT tubewell connections shall be released through outsourcing and such OYT applicants who had already purchased some of the materials at the time of suspension of the OYT scheme as demand notice had been issued to them, were allowed to submit the details of materials purchased by them alongwith receipts/bills and also intimate balance material required for release of tubewell connections to their respective sub-divisions. It was further clarified vide CC No.65/2008 dated 5.11.2008 that the material ( other than distribution transformer) already purchased by the applicants upto 30.06.2008 alongwith requisite bills/ receipts only be accepted for release of their tubewell connections under OYT scheme and the sub-division wise seniority will be on the basis of deposit of estimated amount, as such, the applicants can submit the requisite details even after 31.10.08, of material already purchased by them upto 30.6.08 and balance material required for release of their tubewell connections.
There is a feed back from the field officers that a large no. of prospective consumers in phase-1 who had deposited the amount by 28.2.09 are such where only distribution transformers are required to be installed and in balance cases, additional material such as PCC poles, conductor, steel items, insulators etc. are required in addition to distribution transformer. Since the connections are to be released as per seniority fixed on the basis of amount deposited by the applicant irrespective of fact where only transformers are required or some other material is also required to complete the job, as such, the connections which can be commissioned immediately could not be energized because of those senior OYT applicants where some other material is also required in addition to distribution transformer (DT) although such connections are small in number.
In view of above, the matter has been considered and it has decided to amend the clause No. A(iii) of CC No.62/06 dated 16.10.08 by dividing the seniority in two queues in respect of FIRST PHASE for release of AP connections under OYT scheme as under:-
• Where only DTs are required to be installed.
• Where some other material alongwith DT is required to be installed.
CC No.65/08 dated 5.11.08 shall also stand amended to the above extent.
The field officers are requested to ensure strict compliance of above instructions.
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala
CC No-10/2009
Memo No. 13224/14074/SSM-460/Loose
Dated. 13.3.2009
Sub: HVDS in Urban Areas- Implementation of CC 37/2006.
Instructions were issued vide CC No. 37/2006 dated 18.07.2006 that in case of all categories of SP/NRS/DS consumers, for loads ranging from 11 KW to 50 KW ( upto 20 KW in case of SP consumers), three phase connection shall be released with LT metering by providing independent transformer of 10/16/25/63 KVA or higher capacity with zero LT and meter was to be installed in MCB or pillar box on the pole/under the distribution transformer. Further, all DS/NRS connections with loads ranging from 51 KW to 100 KW were to be released at 11 KV only with LT metering by providing independent 63/100/200 KVA distribution transformer.
Based on the feed back from field officers and keeping in view the difficulties in implementing HVDS in certain urban areas specifically narrow lanes/streets and congested city areas, the matter was reviewed and certain relaxations were allowed vide CC No. 67/2006 dated 21.12.2006. However, these relaxations were withdrawn vide CC No. 2/09 dated 12.1.09.
During the interaction of Member/Distribution with the field officers of all the DS Zones, it was reported that due to withdrawal of relaxations issued vide CC No. 67/2006 dated 21.12.2006, various difficulties were being experienced in releasing the connections, particularly in the congested areas of the thickly populated cities/narrow streets/bazaars.
Keeping in view the difficulties being experienced by the field offices, the matter has been reviewed and it has been decided to withdraw the instructions issued vide CC No. 2/2009 dated 12.01.2009 and restore the relaxations allowed vide CC No. 67/2006 dated 21.12.2006, except that the length of LT line from H-Pole shall be restricted to 150 metres instead of 250 metres. All other terms & conditions of CC No. 67/2006 dated 21.12.2006 shall remain unchanged.
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala
CC No-9/2009
Memo No. 9069/9869/SSM-591
Dated. 16.02.2009
Sub: Punjab Policy for IT & IT Enabled Services, Communication & Electronics Industry, Knowledge Parks & Biotechnology Industries.
As per existing instructions already issued vide CC No. 8/2006, Software manufacturing units are given connections on priority under the industrial tariff. However, keeping in view the discussion papers on IT Policy issued by Govt. of Punjab, it has been decided as under:-
• A ll software development units, IT Enabled Services like BPO’s, KPO’s, Call Centres, Telecom Service Providers under Electronic/ Communication Sector like Reliance infocom, Biotechnology industries/laps, knowledge parks, IT SEZ.parks be cover under industrial tariff and allowed for release of connection irrespective of motive load( categories of industries included in the scope/definition of information technology industry enclosed).
• For the IT Cluster/SEZs being developed by Govt. uninterrupted power supply may be provided through independent feeder for which cost may be borne by the Punjab Govt./developers as decided by the Govt. of Punjab.
• Peak Load Hour Restrictions shall be availed on payment of nominal peak load exemption charges by the individual units as per their requirement.
Encl:As above
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala
• Categories of industries include in the scope/definition of information Technology Industry:
1. |
Computing devices including |
4.4 |
Multimedia Kits |
1.1 |
Desktop/personal computer |
4.5 |
Scanners |
1.2 |
Thin/Thick clients |
4.6 |
Joystick |
1.3 |
Server |
4.7 |
Card readers |
1.4 |
Workstation |
4.8 |
Computerized time recording devices |
1.5 |
Nodes |
4.9 |
Tablets |
1.6 |
Terminals |
5. |
Printers and output devices including |
1.7 |
Network PC |
5.1 |
Computer Printers of all types |
1.8 |
Home PC |
6. |
Networking produces including |
1.9 |
Laptop computers |
6.1 |
Hubs |
1.10 |
Notebook computers |
6.2 |
Routers |
1.11 |
Palm to computer/PDA |
6.3 |
Switches for networking |
1.12 |
Hand held computer devices |
6.4 |
Computer network concentrators |
2. |
Network Controller cards/ memories including |
6.5 |
Trans-receivers |
2.1 |
Network interface card(NIC) |
7. |
Software including |
2.2 |
Ethernet/PCI/EISA/Combo/PCMCIA |
7.1 |
Application Software |
7.2 |
Operating System |
2.3 |
SIMMs Memory |
7.3 |
Middleware/Firmware |
2.4 |
Central Processing Unit(CPU) |
7.4 |
Any component level development of the above software |
2.5 |
Controller-SCSI/Array |
Design and quality assurance work for these software |
System integration work/ components for software |
2.6 |
Processors- Processor/processor power module/upgrade |
7.5 |
Any localization and SCM work in the software. |
2.7 |
Smart card devices |
7.6 |
Extension development (modules outside the main software) |
3. |
Storage units including: |
Power supplied to computer systems including |
Networking/Cabling & related accessories (related to IT Industry). |
3.1 |
Hard-disk drivers/Hard drives |
7.7 |
Fibre Optic cable |
3.2 |
RAID devices & their controllers |
3.3 |
Floppy disk drives |
7.8 |
Extension development (modules outside the main software) |
3.4 |
CD-ROM drives |
3.5 |
Tape drives-DLT devices/DAT |
8. |
Extension development (modules outside the main software) |
3.6 |
Optical Disk drives |
8.1 |
Switch mode power supplies |
3.7 |
Other digital storage devices including magnetic tapes & DATs |
8.2 |
Uninteruppted power supplies |
4. |
Others |
9. |
4.1 |
keyboard |
4.2 |
Monitor |
9.1 |
4.3 |
Mouse |
13.5 |
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services |
9.2 |
CAT3,CAT5 & CAT 6 & other network specific cable |
13.6 |
Video conferencing |
9.3 |
Connectors, terminal blocks |
13.7 |
V-SAT, ISDN services |
9.4 |
Jack Panels, patch cord |
13.8 |
Electronic Data Centre Activities |
9.5 |
Mounting cord, patch panels |
14. |
IT Enables Services: ITeS include processes and services sourced from a place that is located in a place that is located in a place separate from that in which the end users are located, it is delivered over private and secure public telecommunication networks. These services can be sourced from external contractors, own subsidiary or joint ventures. |
9.6 |
Back boards, wiring blocks |
15 |
ITeS include, but are not limited to: |
9.7 |
Surface mount boxes |
15.1 |
Customer interaction services, e.g call/contact centers and email help desks |
10. |
Consumables including: |
10.1 |
CD-ROM/Compact disk |
15.2 |
Engineering and Design |
10.2 |
Floppy disk for computer |
15.3 |
Back Office processing |
10.3 |
Tapes DAT/DLT for computer |
15.4 |
Finance and accounting( provided remotely) |
10.4 |
Ribbons for computer |
15.5 |
Insurance claims processing (Provided remotely) |
10.5 |
Toners |
15.6 |
HR services (provided remotely) |
10.6 |
Inkjet cartridges for computer printers |
15.7 |
Website development and maintenance services |
10.7 |
Inks for computer output devices |
15.8 |
Data search integration and analysis |
10.8 |
Continuous Computer -Forms |
15.9 |
Network consulting and management |
11. |
Electronic Components |
15.10 |
Remote education |
11.1 |
Printed circuit board assembly/ populated PCB relating to computer integrated circuits/ICs & connectors for computers |
15.11 |
Animation (provided remotely) |
15.12 |
Market research (Provided remotely) |
11.2 |
Magnetic heads, Print heads |
15.13 |
Translation, transcription and localization (Provided remotely) |
12. |
Tele-communication equipments including |
15.14 |
Consultancy provided remotely for |
12.1 |
Videophones |
15.14.1 |
IT sector |
12.2 |
Multiplexers/Muxes |
15.14.2 |
erP |
12.3 |
Modems |
15.14.3 |
12.4 |
15.14.4 |
12.5 |
Computer Communication equipments |
15.14.5 |
Technical Support |
12.6 |
Wireless datacom equipment-including Set top boxes for both video and digital signaling. |
15.19.1 |
Voice-Both inbound and outbound |
12.7 |
Receiving equipments like pagers, Mobile Cellular Phones etc. |
15.19.2 |
Data Both inbound and outbound |
13 |
Information service technology: |
15.19.3 |
Software Extension development |
13.1 |
Internet Service Provider |
15.19.4 |
IT Facilities Management(including provided remote) |
13.2 |
E-mail service provider |
17 |
Knowledge based Industry units |
13.3 |
Worldwide web Service provider |
17.1 |
IT and IT Enables Services |
13.4 |
E-Commerce & content development |
17.2 |
Nanotechnology |
15.14.6 |
Business systems & Processes |
17.3 |
Biotechnology |
15.15 |
Data Processing |
17.4 |
Telecommunication |
15.16 |
System integration and customization |
17.5 |
Consulting Agencies |
15.17 |
System Up gradation services |
17.6 |
Research and Development Services |
15.18 |
Designing and Designing systems |
15.19 |
Call Centres |
16 |
Biotechnology |
16.1 |
Genetic Engineering |
15.2 |
Cell Culture |
16.3 |
Microbiology |
16.4 |
Biochemistry |
16.4 |
Bio Informatics |
CC No-8/2009
Memo No. 8150/8950/Indl.40/ASR
Dated. 16.02.2009
Sub: Adjustment of security already deposited for TG sets against initial security for extension of load/contract demand.
As per existing instructions issued vide CC No. 36/2007 & 55/07, no ACD for the load fed from TG sets is applicable. Some of the consumers who have applied fro extension in load/contract demand and as such are liable to pay initial security as per existing instructions have requested that the amount of security for TG Sets already deposited by them with the Board should be adjusted towards initial security required for extension in load. The matter has been considered and it has been decided as under:-
“Security for TG sets already deposited by the consumers who apply for extension of load/ contract demand, may be adjusted against initial security required to be deposited by them for applied extension in load/ contract demand.
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala
CC No-7/2009
Memo No. 7251/8051/SSM-416
Dated. 16.02.2009
Sub: Providing Urban Pattern Supply on priority to Dalit Basties, Be-chirag villages and Deras/Dhanies having cluster of 5 or more houses.
The instructions were issued vide CC No.65/06 dated 11.12.06 that Urban Pattern Supply would be provided at the Board’s cost to the farmers/residents presently residing in Deras/ Dhanies, Dalit Basties, Be-chirag villages forming a cluster of 5 or more houses situated adjoining to each other and spread over in a stretch of maximum of 300 meters from one end to the other end and located at a distance more than 500 metres from the village phirni without any limit by providing single phase 11 KV line tapped from the nearest UPS feeder & by installing single phase 11 KV, 10 KVA distribution transformer. The erection of 11 KV single phase lines and installation of single phase transformers was to be completed by RE/APDRP Organisation and the remaining work i.e. installation of energy meter and laying of services was to be carried out by respective DS Sub Divn. of the concerned area.
As per Minutes of the Meeting taken by Chairman, PSEB on 8.2.08 with Contractors & Officers of DS and RE/APDRP Organizations to review the progress of urban Pattern Supply, the works to Deras/Dhanies identified upto 31.1.08 were to be included in the work order but if any Deras/Dhanies is identified after the cut off date of 31.1.08, the work is to be executed by concerned DS office departmentally strictly adhering to the standard instructions/ design.
There is a feed back from field officers that the release of some connections is pending due to shortage/non availability of only distribution transformer(s). In order to expedite the release of such connections, the matter has been considered and it has been decided that if such applicants, in whose case the connection are pending only for want of 10 KVA single phase distribution transformer such connections shall be released on priority from Urban Pattern Supply Feeder provided the applicant provides single phase, 10 KVA, 11 KV distribution transformer duly inspected & sealed by PSEB officer. The erection work/installation of transformer shall be carried out by DS Organisation.
All other terms and conditions of 65/05 dated 11.12.06 shall remain unchanged.
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala .
CC No-6/2009
Memo No. 6582/7362/SSM-414/TW
Dated. 12.02.2009
Sub: Release of tubewell connection in Agriculture land where the applicant has joint ownership/ Mushtarka Khatta land.
As per feed back received during Bijli Darbar, AP consumers having agricultural land as joint holding with other members of the family/relatives were facing great difficulty in the matter of getting new AP T/W connections released or at the time of shifting/change of name by existing AP T/W consumers. Some conventions/ procedures had been adopted by the field officers of their own which differ from area to area and are not supported by any existing rules/ regulations of the Board. To sort out the matter and issue suitable instructions so that a common procedure in such cases may be followed through out PSEB, the matter has been considered and it has been decided as under:-
• In case the applicant having joint ownership/Mushtarka Khatta land is in the possession of the land as per revenue record where the connection is to be released or shifted, he should be allowed to do so on furnishing an indemnity Bond.
• In case the applicant having joint ownership/Mushtarka Khatta land is not in the possession of the land where the connection is to be released No Objection Certificate(NOC) of the other members of the family/relatives should be necessary for the release/shifting of the connection.
The field officers are requested to ensure strict meticulous compliance of above instructions.
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala .
CC No-5/2009
Memo No.5329/ 6129 / SSM-450
Subject:-Release of AP Tubewell connections on priority to Gram Panchayats / Religious Institutions for their Agriculture Land .
This is in continuation to this office CC No.3/09 dated 23.1.09 on above cited subject.
In this regard, it is to clarify that all such connections shall be released at par with Chairman’s discretionary quota priority and on the terms & condition of OYT scheme i.e. the estimated cost shall be borne by the applicant.
All other terms and conditions of CC No.3/09 dated 23.1.09 shall remain unchanged.
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala .
CC No-4/2009
Memo No. 4282/5082/ Weekly in house Meeting/DD/S-IV
Subject:-Penalty being levied on Industrial Consumers due to drift in the RTC.
As per existing instructions, all large supply consumers are required to observe Peak Load Hours restrictions and weekly off days as notified by CE/SO&C, PSEB, Patiala from time to time, subject to availability of power. Although, there are no instructions whether the consumers should observe peak load hour/weekly off day restrictions as per RTC or IST, but the penalty in case of any violation as per data down-loaded by MMTS, is levied on the basis of RTC. In cases, where there is drift in the Real Time Clock (RTC) of the meter viz-a-viz IST the levy of penalty is disputed by the consumers on the plea that they had observed the restrictions/weekly off day as per IST.
The matter was reviewed and it has been decided as under :-
(i) While taking the DDL, MMTS officers must record the drift, if any in the RTC viz-a-viz IST.
(ii) All consumers may be requested to observe peak load hour restrictions/weekly off day as per RTC provided the drift in the RTC viz-a-viz IST is upto + 20 minutes. The instructions in this regard may be got noted by the field office from each consumer in writing within one month from the date of issue of instructions and a permanent record of the same may be maintained in the consumer case by the field office to avoid any litigation at a later stage.
(iii) In case, the drift is more than + 20 minutes, then immediate action may be taken to get the meter replaced and till such time the meter is replaced, the consumer may observe the PLHR/weekly off day as per IST otherwise the very purpose of PLHR will be defeated. However, consumer must ensure that he observes the peak load hour restrictions for minimum three hours and weekly off day for complete 24 hours as per IST otherwise penalty as per existing instructions will be leviable.
(iv) It may be ensured by MMTS and Distribution Organization that peak load hours restrictions/weekly off day violations, if any, as per DDL are intimated to the consumers promptly, but in any case before the due date for second DDL. However, In case of any delay, the responsibility may be fixed by the Chief Engineer/ Enforcement/concerned CE/DS and suitable action may be initiated against the delinquent officers/officials as number of disputes are arising on this account only.
The strict compliance of these instructions may be ensured .
Chief Engineer/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala .
CC No.3 /2009
Memo No. 3376 / 4176 / SSM-450/Loose
Dated.: 23.01.2009
Sub:Release of AP Tubewell connections on priority to Gram Panchayats / Religious Institutions for their Agriculture Land .
As per CC No. 52/06 dated 10.10.2006, Chairman (PSEB) has been empowered to allow priority ( upto release of connection ) for one No. Tubewell connection in the name of Gram Panchayat and in the Panchayat land. As per policy of Govt. of Punjab to release the Tubewell connection to Gram Panchyats and Religious Institutions expeditiously , the matter has been considered and it has been decided to authorize concerned Sr.Xen/ Add.SE (DS) to allow priority ( upto the release of connection ) for a Tubewell connection in the name of Gram Panchayats / Religious Institutions in the land owned by Gram Panchayats /Religious Institutions after satisfying himself about genuineness of claim before allowing the priority. Ex-post-facto approval of such priority shall be obtained by the concerned Sr.Xen/ Add.SE(DS) from Member/D, PSEB, Patiala subsequently.
All other terms & conditions regarding release of Tubewell connection shall remain unchanged.
For EIC/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala .
CC No.2 /2009
Memo No.1122/1922 /SSM-460 /Loose
Dated. : 12.1.2009
Sub: HVDS in Urban Areas – Implementation of CC 37/2006.
As per instructions issued vide CC No. 37/06 dated 18.7.2006 in case of all categories of SP/NRS/DS consumers, for loads ranging from 11 KW to 50 KW (upto 20 KW in case of SP consumers), 3 phase connection is required to be released with LT metering by providing independent 10/16/25/63 KVA or higher capacity with zero LT and meter is to be installed in MCB or pillar box on the pole /under the distribution transformer. Further all DS/NRS connection with loads ranging from 51 KW to 100 KW are to be released at 11 KV only with LT metering by providing independent 63/100/200 KV distribution transformer.
Based on the feed back from field officers and keeping in view the difficulties in implementing HVDS in certain urban areas specifically narrow lanes / streets and congested city areas, the matter was reviewed by the Board and some relaxations in the implementation of HVDS were allowed vide CC No. 67/2006 dated 21.12.06 by allowing length of L.T. line upto 250 mtrs. in cases where no augmentation was required & if the existing transformer was of less than 200 kVA capacity, then it could be augmented upto 200 kVA for release of connection on LT. However, the relaxation allowed vide CC No. 67/06 dated 21.12.06 have been found to be detrimental for reduction of T&D losses.
With a view to take concrete steps to achieve desired results for T&D loss reduction in the state of Punjab, the matter has been reviewed by the Board and it has been decided to withdraw the relaxation allowed vide CC No. 67/06 dated and to release all the connections under HVDS as per instructions issued vide CC No. 37/2006 dated 18.7.06. These instructions shall come into force with immediate effect i.e. from the date of issue of this circular.
The field officers are requested to ensure strict compliance of above instructions.
For EIC/Commercial,
PSEB, Patiala .