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PR Circular No. 21/2002
Dated: 25.11.2002

Memo No. 11540/11761/SO/PRC/LD/PC-260 Dated 25.11.2002

Subject: Proper implementation of Power cuts to be imposed by power Control Center– Revision in scope of category-II feeders.

PR circular No. 3/99 dated 15.5.99 (copy enclosed) was issued categorizing the Urban feeders into 4 different categories. The scope of each category was defined in the said circular. A number of representation have been received from the field for reviewing the scope of category-II feeders. Accordingly it has been decided to revise the same. The contents under Category-II in PR circular No. 3/99 may now be considered as substituted by the following and the rest of the contents of the said circular shall remain un-altered.


  1. 11/33/66/132 KV separate/independent feeders of consumers which have not been declared as Continuous Process by CE/SO&C.
  2. All mixed Industrial feeders having sanctioned Industrial load of 90% or more of the total connected load on the feeder. There should be no Agricultural Connection (A.P.) on this feeder.

Separate intimation shall be given by the Power Controller for imposing power cut from time to time on this category.

In view of above, the status of all the existing category-II Industrial feeders/predominantly Industrial feeders may be reviewed and those feeders which do not fulfill the above said scope for declaring as category-II feeders shall cease to hold the status of Category-II Industrial feeders w.e.f. Ist Feburary 2003.

In order to declare the eligible feeders as category-II feeders afresh in the light of the above said instructions by this office. Dy. CEs/ SEs/Operation concerned are requested to furnish the following information on top priority (well before 31st Dec. 2002)

Sr. No. Name of the S/Stn. Name of the Feeder along with Voltage Class Name of S/Divn./ Division Total Connected Load on the feeder(KW) Connected Industrial Load (KW)





5 5
Percentage ofIndustrial Load Connected GSC Load of the total connected Load Percentage of GSC Load of (KW) AgriculturalLoad Total Connected Load Load of any any type (KW) (AP Category) If any (KW)
7 8 9 10 11

No. & date by which the feeder is declared as category-II by this office shall be displayed on the concerned out-going breaker at the Grid Substation. Since release of new GSC connections from declared category-II feeder shall change the percentage of industrial load so the status of these feeders may be reviewed regularly (at least ending March & Sept. every year) and appropriate action (for changing to category-I) be taken accordingly under intimation to this office. The responsibility for running ineligible feeders (as per the said scope) under category-II feeders during power cuts after 31.1.2003 shall rest with the field organization.

Director/P.R.& C,
for Chief Engineer/SO&C,
PSEB, Patiala.