PR Circular No. 3/2000
Dated: 9.6.2000
Memo No. 2620/2845/SO/PRC/LD/PC-260 Dated: 9.6.2000
A Large number of privately managed Commercial Heart Care M.R.I. & CT Scan Units have been set up in the State for attending to accident/emergency cases. It has been decided to give supply on the pattern of Essential Services to such Units on the following terms & conditions:-
1) The Minimum load of such units should be equal or more than 100KW.
2) The supply to these units will be given by erecting new 11KV independent feeders or by tapping the
existing 11KV independent feeders. The connection to such new consumers should be released on 11kv or shall be converted to 11KV in case of existing LT supply consumers at their own cost as per standing commercial instructions on the subject.
3 (a) These consumers shall be charged 25% extra tariff.
(b) Minimum Consumption Charges in respect of these consumers shall be increased 25%.
4) The existing privately managed Commercial Heart Care, M.R.I. & CT Scan consumers fed from
Independent Feeders, who are interested in continuing the facility of exemption from Power cut shall be charged 25% extra tariff & Minimum Consumption Charges shall be increased by 25%. Separate Notices are being served to them in this regard.
5) This levy shall not be imposed on Government Hospitals including Hospitals run by Charitable Institutions which have been duly registered and notified by Government as per existing instructions.
The cases for such Privately managed Units who want power cut exemption on the pattern of ‘Essential Services’ may be sent to this office through Chief Engineer/Operation concerned along with their recommendations for taking necessary action.
Director/P.R.& C,
for Chief Engineer/SO&C,
PSEB, Patiala.