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DSA was created vide Secretary, PSEB Office Order No.8242/Cadre-I dated 29.4.98 and amended by instructions issued vide CC No.4/05 dated 14.1.05 and CC No. 39/05 dated 7.6.05 to dispose off the consumers disputes arising out of checking made by task force/ Distribution organization/Enforcement Agency/Audit etc. However, Chief Engineer/Commercial vide his CC No. 27/06 issued vide Memo No.33019/33819/SSM-118 dated 6.6.06 and PSERC notification No. 19 dated 17.8.05 has decided to establish ‘Forum’ for redressal of Grievances of the Consumers. DSA ceased to exist w.e.f. 1.8.06.The above CC No. 27/06 was further amended by CE/Commercial vide CC No.66/08 dated 20.11.08 and the composition of the ‘FORUM’ shall be as under:-

i) Chairperson of the Forum shall be an Electrical Engineer with experience in distribution of electricity, now below the rank of a Chief Engineer.

ii) One Member shall be an officer from Finance and Accounts Cadre, preferably having experience in revenue matters now below the rank of Chief Accounts Officer or of equivalent status.

iii) One member shall be nominated by the Commission preferably from amongst the person associated with non govt organization who is atleast a Graduate with knowledge of the power sector and familiar with the consumer affair.

The powers of the ‘Forum’ as per CC No.40/06 is that a complainant aggrieved due to non redressal of his complaint under the “Consumer Complaint Handling Procedure” may approach the Forum established by the Board.

Chief Engineer /Forum,
PSPCL, Patiala