- Organization Structure

- About Organization:
ARR organization was created in erstwhile PSEB in the year 2009 to look after the works corresponding to the ARR and Regulatory matters. The ARR Organization is also a nodal agency to file the various petitions before Hon’ble PSERC.
- Assignments/Projects/responsibilities
The ARR organization is responsible for the following assignments/responsibilities:
- Filing of ARR/Tariff Petitions, revised estimates and true upsin time bound manner for each year before the Hon’ble PSERC.
- From FY 2017-18 onwards, the MYT Petition has been filed before the Regulator for tariff determination for the control period 2017-18 to 2019-20.
- The filing of Capital Investment Plan&Business Plan and Annual Performance Review before the Regulator during the control period of the MYT.
- Filing of the replies to the various public objections w.r.t the ARR Petition
- Filing of the petition for charging the FCA (quarterly) from the consumers in addition to the tariff determined by the Hon’ble Commission. The FCA petition is being filed with the regulator on quarterly basis.
- Dealing with the various Tariff/MYT regulations.
- Dealing with the various cases w.r.t the tariff orders before Hon’ble APTEL, Hon’ble Supreme Court and also dealing with the cases before Hon’ble High Court Chandigarh w.r.t Tariff Regulations cases.
- Attending all hearing before PSERC as Nodal Agency and monitoring of filing of petitions and replies in all petitions before PSERC.
- Providing yearly/half yearly information to the regulator regarding Standard of Performance (SoP)as per Regulation 27 of Supply Code.
- Monitoring of implementation of various orders passed by the regulator and submitting the month wise compliance report regarding the same to the Regulator.
- Collecting,compiling and furnishing the information/comments on various issues/regulations/draft regulations as asked for by the Regulatorfrom time to time.
- Collecting, consolidating and furnishing the replies as per the complaints filed by various consumers before the Hon’ble PSERC
- Collecting, consolidating and furnishing the half yearly information w.r.t monitoring of reform indices to the Govt of Punjab and the PSERC.
- Quarterly submission of the compliance of the various directives issued by the PSERC in the Tariff Order to the Hon’ble PSERC.
- Projects under implementation:
- Filing of MYT Petition for the control period along with the APR and Capital Expenditure Plan.
- The petition for some amendments in the MYT regulations has been filed by this office before the Hon’ble Commission and the same is under hearing before PSERC.
- Achievements:
- Successfully defended the issue before APTEL regarding generation incentive as per CERC norms at 85% availability.
- Successfully defended the issue before APTEL regarding allowing of the actual employees cost in the Tariff Order for various years.
- All the Tariff Petitions, additional submissions, replies to the objections w.r.t the Tariff Petitions, FCA petitions, misc petitions etc. are being regularly filed within the timelines specified by the Regulator.
- Address:
O/o Chief Engineer/ARR & TR, F-4, Shakti Vihar, PSPCL, Patiala
Phone No – 0175 – 2302531, Fax – 0175-2302416
E-mail: ce-arr-tr@pspcl.in, directortrpseb@yahoo.com