Home > About Us > Recruitment for the posts of Accounts Officer (AO), Assistant Manager/HR (AM/HR), Revenue Accountant (RA) & Internal Auditor (IA) in PSPCL against CRA 304/24
1. Public Notice regarding cancellation and re-conduct of Morning shift examinations held on 17.01.2025 for the posts of Junior Engineer/Sub-Station and Assistant Manager/HR against CRA 303/24 and 304/24

2. Public Notice regarding postpone of online examination for the post of Account Officer and Junior Engineer/Civil against CRA 303/24 and 304/24.

3. Admit Card for Online examination for the post of JE/Sub-Station, JE/Civil, AM/HR, AO.

4. Mock test for the post of Accounts Officer(AO) & Assistant Manager/HR (AM/HR) against CRA 304/24 - 09.01.2025

5. Public notice regarding Schedule of Examination for the posts of JE/Sub-station & JE/Civil against CRA 303/24 and Assistant Manager/HR (AM/HR) & Accounts Officer (AO) against CRA-304/24.

6. Public Notice regarding pending fee confirmation CRA 304/24.

7. Corrigendum no. 1 for the posts of Accounts Officer (AO), Assistant Manager/HR (AM/HR), Revenue Accountant (RA) and Internal Auditor (IA) in PSPCL against CRA 304/24.

8. Link for Applying Online recruitment for the posts of Accounts Officer (AO), Assistant Manager/HR (AM/HR), Revenue Accountant (RA) & Internal Auditor (IA) in PSPCL against CRA 304/24.

9. Detailed advertisement of recruitment for the posts of Accounts Officer (AO), Assistant Manager/HR (AM/HR), Revenue Accountant (RA) & Internal Auditor (IA) in PSPCL against CRA 304/24.

10. Short notice of recruitment for the posts of Accounts Officer (AO), Assistant Manager/HR (AM/HR), Revenue Accountant (RA) & Internal Auditor (IA) in PSPCL against CRA 304/24.