Punjab State Power Corporation limited
Public Relations Office
Press Note, Gurdaspur Oct 7, 2019

During the current year, Punjab State Power Corporation Limited has commissioned 23 sub stations by way of erecting 8 new sub stations and 15 by addition of capacity and augmenting of old sub stations and 112 kms 66 kv lines were also added to existing transmission system with a cost of about rupees 105 crores out of this 45 crores spent for the construction of new sub stations in the state, this was stated by Sh.Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa cabinet minister for rural development & panchayats after inauguration of 66 kV sub station Veehla Teja here today.
Sh.Bajwa said that for this year PSPCL has fixed target to add 20 more new sub stations and capacity of 35 existing sub stations will be enhanced and total 500 kms transmission lines also be added to existing system by way of spending about 350 crores. He further said that new 66kv sub station Veehla Teja completed by installing 12.5 MVA transformer with overhead 66 kv line of 5 km single circuit on double circuit 66 KV line T-of from 66 KV line 220 KV Kotli Suat Malli to 66 KV Shahpur Jajjan.
He further said that the cost of Veehla Teja sub station is 2.58 crores ,cost of 66kv line 1.032 crores and cost of 11kv line is 50 lacs so total amount spent on this sub station is rupees 4.16 crores.
CMD PSPCL Er.Baldev Singh Sran informed that with the commissioning of new 66kv sub station Veehla Teja, 13 villages around the village Veehla Teja will be benefited directly and 13 villages will be indirectly benefited.The direct beneficiaries villages are Khodai Bangar, Sethuwali, Vela, Teja Kalan, Teja Khurd, Teja Tiba, Manjiawali, Tahli, Khusar, Aujdhenwali, Pumbharali Khurd, Pobravali Kalan, Kotrambhala Kalan, Kotrala Phalwari and indirect villages are Kotra Molla Kalan. , Beriwala, Chittorgarh, Lofinangal, Rasulpur Tippars, Khokhar, Khunji Khurd, Khunji Kalan, Dogar, Black Nangal and Bholeke.
Shri R.P.Pandove Director Administration said that under the leadership of Capt. Amarinder Singh Chief Minister Punjab, PSPCL is committed to provide uninterrupted and reliable power and consumer friendly services to all categories of consumers of Punjab.
On this occasion Er.N.K.Sharma Director Distribution, Er.Sandeep Kumar CE (Operation) Border,Er.H.S.Saini CE/TS,Er.Aja Kumar SE Operation Gurdaspur and senior officers and officials were present .
Issued by PR Deptt./PSPCL
Press Note No. 101, dated: 07 Oct, 2019