Home > Information Center > Office Orders & Circulars
Sr. No.
1. To Regularize the Strike Period
2. Director Distribution
3. Director Admin
4. Cheif Engg. Planning  Archive (for old circulars)
5. CE/South
6. Chief Engg. I.T.
7. Chief Engg. Civil
8. Chief Accounts Officer
9. Chief Auditor Archive (for old circulars)
10. Chief. Engg. P. P. & R.
11. CE / HRD Archive (for old circulars)
12. Chief. Engg. / MM Archive (for old circulars)
14. CE/Stores & Workshops
15. CE / Hydel
16. SE/DSM
17. SE/Enforcement
18. SE/CWC
19. CFO/EAD Archive (for old circulars)
20. CAO Revenue
21. Dy. CAO Centralized Pay and Pension Archive (for old circulars)
22. Dy. CAO Pension & Funds Archive (for old circulars)
23. Dy. CAO Pension Audit
24. SE Technical Archive (for old circulars)
25. SE Personnel
26. SE Inquiry
27. Zones
28. AO / Pay & Accounts
29. AO / GST
30. Dy Secy Grievances
31. Dy. Secy./PR
32. Dy Secy Inquiry Archive (for old circulars)
33. Dy. Secretery Zones (Secret)
34. Dy. CAO A And R
35. Financial Advisor Archive (for old circulars)
36. Financial Advisor (Banking Loan and Deposit Section)
37. Finance Section
38. Jt Secy. Personnel
39. Industrial Relations Section Archive (for old circulars)
40. Legal Section Archive (for old circulars)
41. Meeting Section Archive (for old circulars)
42. Secret Gazetted Archive (for old circulars)
43. RTI
44. Examination Section Archive (for old circulars)
45. Recruitment Section Archive (for old circulars)
46. Regulation Section
47. Language Department
48. Establishment-I (ENG-1 & ENG-4)
49. ENG-II Archive (for old circulars)
50. Technical-I
51. Technical-II
52. Technical-III
53. Technical-IV
54. Services-I  Archive (for old circulars)
55. Services-II
56. AO Cost Controller
57. AO Cash
58. Sports Cell
59. General Section Archive (for old circulars)
60. Welfare Section Archive (for old circulars)
61. IRP Cell
62. Misc Archive (for old circulars)